Geotechnical Engineering Interview Questions

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Here is a comprehensive list of interview questions in geotechnical engineering. Difficulties are varied from easy to professional level, so don’t be worried if you can not answer some of them.

Below is an overview of Geotechnical Interview Questions for the technical round

How will you determine the modulus of elasticity of soil? Is there any theoretical method?

What apparatus is needed to find liquid limit?

Westergaard’s analysis is applied to which type of soil?

How will you determine which method is suitable for soil exploration?

What type of precautions you will take before designing a Machine foundation?

What is the smallest sieve size as per Indian Standard?

What are the different methods of soil improvement? Can You please explain each one in brief?

What is the difference between Rigid pavement, semi-rigid pavement, and flexible pavement?

What is soil stabilization? What are the methods and tools, equipment, and material for that?

What is the difference between compaction and consolidation?

In finding shear strength of soil direct shear test, What are the limitations?

When should one opt for Van shear test?

What is the group action of a pile foundation?

What is quicksand or soil boiling?

Which is the biggest earthen dam in India?

For black cotton soil, there will be a problem of shrinkage and swelling. So which type of foundation one should opt for?

In which situation one should opt for the trapezoidal foundation?

Following are non-tech interview questions for better preparation.

Please describe yourself in brief.

Why do you want to leave your current job?

Why had you chosen geotechnical engineering as your specialization?

What will you bring to the table? What specialties in you that could help the company?

How much salary do you expect?

If there will be circumstances that you need to relocate then are you ready for it?

Relevant readings and downloads,
Types Of Pile Foundation (Explained In Detail)
What Is Liquefaction? (Process, Causes And Mitigation)
What is aquifer, aquiclude, aquitard and aquifuge? (explained in detail)
NPTEL Course on Geotechnical Engineering

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