Roads are classified in India on a different basis. The most popular system of classification of roads is as per the Nagpur Road Plan.
Classification of Roads as per Nagpur Road Plan
- National Highways – NH
These are the roads that connect the capitals of different states. National Highways are developed and maintained by NHAI – National Highway Authority of India - State Highways – SH
These roads are connecting the major districts within the state. State highways are the arterial roads of a state. The responsibility of constructing and maintain the State Highways is done by state Public Works Department. (PWD) - Major District Roads – MDR
These roads are important roads within the district itself and connect the production units with marketplaces or either a State Highway or a National Highway. - Other District Roads – ODR
These roads serve the local public along with serving local production unit. Other District Roads are connecting local production units to the marketplace. - Village Roads – VR
Village roads connect the villages to the nearer higher category of roads.
Modified Road Classification as per the Third 20 year Road Plan
The third 20 year Road plan is also known as Lucknow Road Plan. As per third 20 year road plan roads are classified as
- Primary System of Roads: This system comprises the National Highways and State Highways
- Secondary System of Roads: The secondary system consists of two categories of roads.
- State highways
- Major District Roads
- Tertiary System or Rural Roads: The tertiary system has two categories of roads and consists of Other District Road and Village Roads.
Classification of Urban Roads as per Lucknow Road Plan
The roads within a city or town are falling in either of the following categories.
- Arterial streets
- Sub-Arterial Streets
- Collector Streets
- Local Streets
Expressways in India
The concept of the Expressways in India was first introduced in third 20 year road development plan. At that time, the decision to develop 2000 KM of expressway was taken.
Classification of Roads as per Seasonality
- All Weather Roads – These roads are accessible during all the type of weather.
- Fair Weather Roads – These types of road become useless during heavy rain. Monsoon season heavily affects the accessibility of fair weather road during rainy days.
Important Resources for a Transportation Engineer
Central Road Research Institute
Official Website of National Highway Authority of India – NHAI
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NH-44 is the longest National Highway in India with length of 4,112 kilometers connecting Srinagar with Kanyakumari.
The second 20 year road plan is known as Bombay Road Plan, for the duration from 1961 to 1981.
The first 20 year road plan is known as Nagpur Road Plan.
The third 20 year road plan is popularly known as Lucknow Road Plan.